Health & Wellness
This page links out to my health and wellness journey!! Shortly after we moved to the asheville area, i was hospitalized with awful stomach pains and a temperature of 105!! After a two day stay, i learned that my body was no longer processing animal proteins and my health had been suffering from this! I quickly started a whole foods plant based diet, recommended by my doc in the hospital and purchased the “oh she glows” cookbook (also her recommendation) for inspiration!! Y’all, changing my diet was one of the best things i’ve ever done!! Sure, i’ve had some struggles and temptations over the past 4 years, but this truly was the best changes i’ve ever made!! I’ll share videos and recipes of some of my favorite foods/meals here and encourage you to learn more!
Lilly Pulitzer Spring 2024 Market
In August 2023, the Palm Village Team and yours truly traveled for the Lilly Pulitzer Spring 2024 Market to the Ocean Reef Club in Key Largo!! Here’s how it went… The excitement usually begins about…
Caring for your Lilly Pulitzer Wardrobe
In this post, I share my laundry must-haves and tips for keeping your Lilly Pulitzer Wardrobe looking BEAUTIFUL for years to come!! I am, by no means, the end-all be-all in this space, but with…
Spring 2023 – Lilly Pulitzer
If you shop with me regularly or have ever heard me talk about the Spring 2023 Season, you’ll have heard that each delivery is super exciting and the momentum builds upon the previous go-lives! I’m…
March and April in review
Hello and happy may!! March and april were so much fun!! We had our last two BIG events with junior league, closed out the spring season at the store and welcomed summer, aiden started and…
the Best Hummus Ever!!
Traditional Hummus! Hummus is most Definitely one of my all time faves!! So easy to make and soooo healthy!! You can eat it with just About anything and it tastes sooo goooood!! 😍😍 in this…
oh hey love!
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